In 2005 I started playing a video game online known world wide as Counter-Strike:Source. I played competitively up until the end of 2008. I would travel all around California competing with four other teammates and we placed top three at most of these tournaments. I still play a little today, however, I only play with certain people when big tournaments come around here and there.
In January of 2009 I enlisted into the Marine Corps with the MOS as Infantry. Soon after boot camp started, my MOS was changed to Field Wireman due to Infantry being full. I graduated boot camp on time in April, three months later. I was then transferred to medical hold for Marines for about four more months where I was medically discharged in July of 2009 because of an injured knee. I was extremely disappointed with the situation, but that's part of life.
Now, I live in LA, trying to find a life-long career for myself. I have the most beautiful and incredible Fiancee that made me the person who I am today. Kelsey is my best friend and I am completely in love with her.