Jun 12, 2010

Decisions, Decisions..

So, I received an email today about counter-strike. My old team, GenerationX (GX) is being invited to play in an online/lan tournament for $10,000. The people that run these tournaments take the top 16 teams in their eyes and invite them to compete in online play and the top four teams travel to their pre-selected LAN center to compete for the money. Last time we competed in this was a few months ago, and we placed 5th, barely losing the the team that beat us. That wasn't such a hard decision to make when deciding to compete or not because they pre-selected LAN center was in Los Angeles. This time around, it is in Baltimore, MD. My issue would be a flight ticket cost of course, if we even make it to top four.

Here is the bracket for those that are furthermore interested. Of course, we accepted the invitation and if you look hard enough, you will see [GX] on the bottom left of the bracket. Considering every single one of my teammates don't play the game anymore, we are clearly the underdogs here in the bracket.

However, there are some good notes to the timing. The online portion of the tournament start June 14th and ends July 1st. The timing couldn't be anymore perfect because it is right before I move down south. So that is a huge plus. If we were to make it to the LAN part (top four), I have no idea how I will afford the plane ticket (and I will bet Kelsey would want to come, so that's two tickets). On top of that, I will be working (hopefully...) and being new to a job, it isn't so good to ask for time off so soon of employment.

Basically, I am going to attend to the online part of the tournament and play my heart out. The decision making will come around when/if we make it to the final four. I'll provide updates as time goes on..


  1. Hmm... i thought you quit... a trip would be nice mr. gregorio.. but money is tight. All I can say id don't put those 2 weeks in...

  2. Look at the dates, we're good to go. I'm still putting in my two weeks :)


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